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Annual Council  Meeting Monday March 18th 2024 at 10.15am 


 Annual Meeting 5th June 2024 at 
the Royal Albert Hall


Emlyn Downs Mosaic Workshop, March 2019
Emlyn Downs (1) 11th March.jpg



In 2016, the NFWI developed a partnership with IAM RoadSmart which resulted in a number of successful driving events being held around the country.  Over a 3 year period, over 1500 members took part in various driving experiences, all proven to help develop and improve women’s road confidence; from speed awareness, driving at night, motorway driving and 1 to 1 tuition with an IAM Instructor, all members who attended reported that at least one aspect of the event(s) reassured, or improved, their driving ability.


Following lockdown and continual changes to government restrictions, the NFWI felt that now more than ever, members would be interested in the benefits that our partnership with the IAM RoadSmart could offer.  Getting back behind the wheel, with heavier traffic, will require more caution especially as many drivers may feel out of practise or may have lost some confidence in their competence.  Ability to judge things that previously felt like second nature, may be poorer, driving may feel unfamiliar and with heightened concentration levels, driving can quickly become tiring.  We also need to be even more aware of other road users lack of skills, including their emotions such as patience or lack of it!  Some drivers have been used to having quieter roads, creating temptations to speed, so adjusting to higher traffic and slower journey times may feel frustrating post lockdown.


For these reasons, the NFWI and IAM RoadSmart have been working together closely, sharing knowledge and experience, to put together a programme of activities, bespoke for the WI, that offer a variety of opportunities which members could access to help them improve, or reassure them of, their driving skills.  However, before we launch our programme, we want to be sure that what we are offering is exactly what members of the WI want.  To help us achieve this, we would kindly ask that federations forward this email to their WIs and ask members to click on the link below and complete the survey.  This should no more than 5 minutes and the results of this will help us build a programme that meets the needs and interest of members, both short-term and long-term.


If you have any questions, or would like to share ideas or suggestions not covered within the survey, then please do not hesitate to contact me.


Thank you for supporting and contributing towards the development of a new programme of opportunities for WI members.  I look forward to sharing the feedback from the survey, and our proposed responsive actions, in the coming months.


With best wishes,


Helen Neal
Activities Officer

If you are not already a WI member, there are many exciting benefits. We would love to welcome a new WI member, please have a look at the WI website for more details


National Federation of Women’s Institutes
NFWI Centre for Training and Personal Development

Denman College



Oxon.  OX13 6NW

Tel: 01865 391788




The NFWI Annual Meeting was held in Bournemouth on the 5th of June and was very well attended.  The meeting started with a rousing rendition of Jerusalem, after which Lynn Stubbings, NFWI Chair, gave her address.  She advised that 9 Federations had set up groups for walking netball which were proving very popular.


The two resolutions which had been put forward were discussed.  The first resolution ‘A Call against the Decline in Local Bus Services’ was passed with 96% for the motion. The second resolution ‘Don’t fear the Smear’ was passed with 97%.


The speakers for the day, The Rt Hon. Lord Bradley of Withington and Maggie Philbin both gave very inspirational talks.  Lord Bradley concerning mental health problems in prisons and the community and Maggie Philbin on inspiring children and young adults to take up science and technical subjects at school.


The meeting closed with the National Anthem.

Annual Council Meeting Dorking


18th March 2019


Following the business part of the meeting Jane Randell gave her last report as Chairman on what has been a very busy Centennial year.  She particularly mentioned the evening at RHS Wisley attended by 1,500 members and guests where the pollinators were displayed.

We heard that 3 new WIs had been formed but sadly 2 were suspended and 1 closed.

Yvonne Price a NFWI Trustee encouraged us all to get more involved and derive more benefit from our membership.

Rabbi Julia Neuberger spoke about "loneliness the modern plague" something quite dear to WI's hearts.  The\Surrey Serenaders rounded off the morning.

In the afternoon the Rev Kate Botley gave a very entertaining talk entitled "God and the Gogglebox."  She related how she became a vicar and in wanting to make one particular wedding ceremony memorable she broke into a dance with the bridal couple and the congregation joining in.  This was filmed and put on You tube where it went viral.  As a result Kate was invited to appear on the programme Goddlebox.  she was certainly the liveliest vicar I have ever seen.



  • Ashtead WI
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